Collection: Women's Health

Consistent use of essential oils and nutritional supplementation can help manage symptoms associated with hormone change and bring balance to monthly cycles in addition to great overall health and vitality.


• Take 1-2 Phytoestrogen supplements daily for powerful hormone balancing and healthy breast tissue and other body functions.
• Apply Whisper to back of neck, wrists, ears and under arms as a natural perfume. Combines well with 


• During menstrual cycle, apply the ClaryCalm blend to abdomen to experience a soothing and calming massage.
• During flashes of heat apply Peppermint behind ears and back of neck.
• Apply 2 drops of Serenity or Clary Sage to the bottom of the feet before sleep to help calm mind and body.


• The Lifelong Vitality Pack is full of essential nutrients, metabolic benefits, and powerful antioxidants designed to help promote energy, health, and lifelong vitality
• Use the Bone Nutrient supplement daily for healthy bones, heart and other body structures.